“Since January 2023, I have been providing specialized UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) training to various corporate firms under the umbrella of Userspots. Each of my training sessions aims to impart a deep understanding of the most current and effective design practices in the industry to participants.

The training sessions I have conducted in the past have offered participants from different sectors a comprehensive perspective. Throughout this period, I have emphasized the importance of user-centered design, equipping participants to be more effective and successful in their design processes.

Below, you can find examples of the training sessions I have conducted to date. These sessions not only provide theoretical knowledge but also offer practical experience on how to implement concepts in real-world projects. I am committed to maintaining this interactive and participant-focused approach in my future training sessions.”


İşbank Digital Academy-User Experience 2nd Group Phase 
3. Training

February 27 - March 14 2024

TSKB | Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası - UX & UI Training

May 6 - May 10 2024

İşbank Digital Academy-User Experience 2nd Group Phase 
2. Training

April 15 - May 3  2024

Zorlu / Advanced Figma Training

March 18 - April 3 2024

İşbank Digital Academy-User Experience Phase 2 Training

February 27 - March 14 2024

Turktelekom / UI - User Interface Training

05 January 2024

Turktelekom / UI - User Interface Training

03 January 2024

Turktelekom / UX - User Experience Training

27 December 2023

Turktelekom / UX - User Experience Training

26 December 2023

Innova / UX - User Experience Training

28 November 2023

Innova / UX - User Experience Training

27 November 2023

Ford Trucks / UI - User Interface Training

16 November 2023

Innova / UI - User Interface Training

14 November 2023

Innova / UI - User Interface Training

13 November 2023

Eczacıbaşı / UI and Figma Training

31 October 2023

Innova UX - User Experience Training

20 October 2023

İşbank Digital Academy - User Experience 4th Module Webinar Session 2

14 September 2023

İşbank Digital Academy - User Experience 4th Module Webinar Session 1

7 September 2023

Sabancı ARF UI Webinar

1 February 2023

Kuveyt Türk Guild / 8th Term Guild Entrepreneurship Programme / UI Training

26 January 2023